Bearbrick - Crayon Shin-Chan - 100% & 400%
A childhood classic cartoon series "Crayon Shin-Chan", a Japanese cartoon character introduced in the 1990's. The series is an all time favorite due to Shin-Chan's a 5 years old little boy who's weird, funny, and do lots of inaapropriate things. The Bearbrick comes in his original daily wear in the series, the classic Red Top and Yellow Pants. If you're a fan of Shin-Chan, then you got to grab this to add into your collections.
Conditions: Brand New Never Opened!
100% + 400% - 7 cm + 28 cm Tall
Produced by Medicom Toy Corporation
* All items are sold as Brand New Never Opened or specified otherwise, and will be sold as is. We are not responsible for any damages or defects caused from suppliers or factory.
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